Customer Testimonials

See what our actual customers have to say about the services we provide.

B. Priestley – September, 2021

My family used Hominy Home Inspectors to inspect a house we were interested in purchasing. Rusty was very thorough in his inspection and provided us a full report the next day of his findings. Their prices are very reasonable and they are very prompt. I highly recommend Hominy Home Inspectors services!

W. Bramlet – May, 2019

Very professional and focused on the work to be done, but personable as well. Provides good information about what he was doing and why, as well as the state of the structure with respect to the building code.

K. Holmes – December, 2018

Thorough, trustworthy inspection and well written report that is easy to understand.

M. Simmons – August, 2018

Always on time and professional. Patiently answers any questions that I had. Would definitely recommend their services!